The Purpose of Payday Loans

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Payday loans were created with the intention to assist people in times of financial need, for the short-term, with the promise to be repaid by the next working paycheck. In addition, payday loan companies such as Cash Connection even helped struggling people who didn’t use banks as a way to increase access to their services, in effort to convince nearly every type of person that they could benefit by pulling out a short term loan. This was a beneficial, ethical approach because during 1995 to 2003, banking overdraft fees nearly doubled and banks refused to serve individuals who sought payday loans, making payday loan companies the optimal choice for short term financial services. Nonetheless, the concept of assisting people in times of need and financial struggle at their convenience is an ethical approach with good intentions.
On top of providing credit to thousands of desperate consumers, the payday loan industry contributed heavily to the US economy in various regions. Thanks to the payday loan industry, over $10billion GDP was contributed to the economy, supporting 155,000 people with working jobs, while employing over 75,000 payday loan employees at 24,000 retail locations. In 2007 alone, the payday lending industry produced about $44 billion in credit to American consumers, generating $6.4 billion in labor impact and another whopping $2.6 billion in state, federal, and local taxes, amounting to approximately $37,700 produced per store employee. In this massive industry, companies weren’t considered industry players until they had over 51 branch locations, of which only three companies existed.

Problems and Inefficiency
Although payday loans were viewed as a blessing to many people in need of money at the last minutes and...

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...o have more established positions that can offer better rates that payday loan companies, it may be beneficial to try to merge into a new industry that is not as competitive nor demanding. Perhaps entering the long term loan industry may be a better option, because more money will be on the line and the money will be actually loaned for a specific reason rather than just for “avoiding late charges on bills” or “unexpected expenses” which was the primary use for payday loans. In such a competitive industry, businesses will do anything they can in their power to give themselves an upper hand over competitors which usually leads to unethical practices. If the payday loan industry evolved into a longer term loan industry, with the actual intentions to help people overcome great financial obstacles, they will have a more reputable name and surely practice more ethically.

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