Public Art in Hong Kong

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¬タワPublic art is both overlap and contradict concepts, because it has to meet the creators of artistic expression, but also take care of the public will.¬タン Public art is not only a work of art placed in public places, through public participation and discussion, but also constitute a social evolution.¬タン (Ho Siu Kee: 2005) Hong Kong government and conglomerate¬タルs art projects in recent years are way better then the plans in the past (before 2010). But the form of public art is still the same at decades, not much different. And the content of programs and artworks are all like a losing controversial public art, all of it have become widely appealing entertainment pastime. It avoided all sensitive subjects to the government and conglomerate. You can clearly feel the bureaucratic. But art is not about this, when there is no freedom to be the norm in the art is false. And that is the most thing should not have. The government and conglomerate in addition to being taught and to forced indoctrination, people should be teach for create their own ideas.

Recalling the history of Hong Kong¬タルs public art. The first by a conscious display of artworks in public spaces in order to convey a message, is the monument (memorial nature) artworks appeared in the 1880s e.g. the statue of Queen Victoria in the Victoria Park and King George VI in Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens... "Hong Kong's early monumental "public art", which is a symbol of the British colonial government hegemony, to help create a specific set of values and language system, to naturally maintain between a ruler and the people Consensus." (Malcolm, 2000) In 1960s Hong Kong was purely to show some non- governing powers of murals and sculptures in Chater Garden. In 1...

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...ce and place it in a space forever of no relevant and use the gallery system to show the sculptures. Public art shout be any way, form or mode more then look like an art piece. If art is about how art inspire people, it can be like just happen for one minute instead of eternal. Public art is Hong Kong always pre-defined a group of viewers before they do the project. But most of the audience is not based on a group to produce, but because the common purpose. Also the public art is not about to show how rich and good taste of the city of buying expensive artwork for showing, if yes then it is as boring as the auction house (Capitalism). As art is much more just about decoration, making people experience is the most important thing. Art can let us to experience and imagine another way of life, to explore uncharted territory, temporarily living in a different world.

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