Protecting Critical Infrastructure

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Protecting Critical Infrastructure
According to the Department of Homeland Security, Critical Infrastructure are the assets, systems and networks, whether physical or virtual, so vital to the United States that their incapacitation or destruction would have debilitating effect on security, National economic security, national public health or safety, or ay combination thereof. In order words, protecting critical infrastructure is one of the six major missions of the Department of Homeland Security and especially since the 9/11 attacks numerous changes has been applied on infrastructure protection. In this research I will review the relationship between federal agencies and the private sector in critical infrastructure. As an example to this research I will use both World Trade Center attacks as a response to security issues associated with critical infrastructure. In addition, this report will summarize not only the concept of critical infrastructure since the late 1990s but also its evolution and continuing changes to this day.
All life forms are exposed to all sorts of hazard every day, and as humans we face even more risks. Even at our own homes we can still suffer accidents and therefore there should be risk plans implemented in which we can prevent or mitigate any accidents from happening, no matter the size of the risk. Because of such reasons, the Department of Homeland Security and other agencies such as the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and other important agencies, makes sure to provide all the necessary plans in order to implement the appropriate security management for any kind of event whether the risk is in business, terrorism threats like the 9/11 attack, natural disa...

... middle of paper ... bomb was so big that two years later, they were involved in another bombing conspiracy. This time Yousef and the terrorists were planning on blowing up eleven U.S commercial aircraft (First Strike: Global terror in America, FBI).
For this even in specific, the bombs were designed to pass through the airport metal detectors because it was made of liquid explosive. During the mix of the chemicals, Yousef created a fired making him leave the apartment and leaving behind a computer containing all the information of each terrorist attack. The evidence on the computer led to his arrest a month later in Pakistan. As a result, in 1994 and 1997 all the members were convicted for 38 counts against them which included conspiracy, interstate transportation of explosive and explosive destruction of property which lead to each given 240 years sentence with no hope of parole.

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