Pros And Cons Of Creationism And Creationism

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Just about every individual wonders if the universe was created and how it was created. The Bible begins with the words, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” There are many people in the world who do not believe that statement. It has been 150 years since Charles Darwin published his theory and challenged the whole world what they believed. This argument is still one of the biggest controversial issues around the world. This issue separates political groups, religions, and even many schools. This is such an argument because there is no absolutely proven answer. Although there are several ideas, people mainly argue over two of them. Creationism and Evolution are the most controversial in today’s society. Both Evolutionists …show more content…

Creationism is taking the literal meaning of the Bible. The theory of creationism is accepted all throughout the world by many different religions. Creationism is based off of Genesis, which is the first book of the Bible. Genesis 1 describes the physical event of creation. Genesis 2 describes the creation of human beings and other little details. It states that the universe was created in six days. Those days can be even more broken down into steps from there. The first four days of creation was physical. God created all the universe and the physical characteristics. This included light, darkness, dry ground, water, the sun, the moon, the stars and all of space. On the fifth and sixth day, God created animals. This included, sea creatures, birds, all animals on earth, and human beings. On the seventh day, God rested. This is the reason many Christians still keep Sundays, “a day of …show more content…

Therefore, we cannot believe the Bible. Sometimes we are led to believe that true scientist are not Christians or do not believe in God. Yet, this is none but farther from the truth. As we know, the Bible is not a science book, but as of right now, there is no scientific evidence that can prove the Bible to be incorrect. When the Bible makes a statement relating to a scientific principle or fact, it is always accurate. Let us see some examples of how the Bible can coincide with science. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Gen. 1:1). The book of Genesis was written by Moses through the inspiration of God, or the Holy Spirit in about 1500 B.C. In 1820 A.D. Hubert Spencer presented the world with five scientific principles by which, “man may study the unknown.” These principles are time, force, energy, space, and matter (11). Yet, Moses, by inspiration through the Holy Spirit, gave us those scientific principles in the first chapter of Genesis. Let’s break Genesis 1:1 down to show those scientific principles. “In the beginning”---time; “God”—force; “created”—energy; “the heavens”—space; “and the earth”—matter (12). As you can see, all of the principles Spencer presented are in the very first verse of the

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