The Pros and Cons of Nuclear Power

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There is only one earth, if we do not treat it with the respect it deserves today it could be gone tomorrow. With all of the environmentally unsafe things that we do major changes need to take place to make sure that does not happen. Air pollution, water pollution, and soil pollution all take place on a day to day basis. One major substance the vast majority of the planet uses today, fossil fuels. The burning of these fuels, such as coal or oil, gives us the power to be the productive people we are today but it is having a lasting effect on our own mother earth. There are many solutions bouncing around in the heads of many today, solar power, hydro power, and windmills. Those solutions, like many others, come with a set of problems like being expensive to start up, they are not possible in every location and the energy output would vary with the changing climate. Nuclear power on the other hand has the potential to be very efficient and the sooner it is adopted to the world today in wide scale use the better off we will be. Both the Union of Concerned Scientist in “Nuclear Power is an Environmentally Unsound way to Reduce Pollution” and Peter Schwartz and Spencer Reise in “Nuclear Power is the Beat Way to Address Global Warming” both argue for their possible solutions to preserve the planet but as you can see by the titles they use two completely different approaches.

What is more valuable today, the lives of people or the life of the planet? Arguments for this subject could go either way, Union of Concerned Scientist (UCS) wrote in “Nuclear Power Is an Environmentally Unsound Way to Reduce Pollution” that people should be the utmost concern. If the U.S. was to produce a large amount of plants it would cost quite a b...

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...ed solutions in a better fashion.

Works Cited

Schwartz, Peter and Reise, Spencer. "Nuclear Power Is the Best Way to Address Global Warming" The Environment. Louise Gerdes, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints® Series. Greenhaven Press, 2009. Peter Schwartz and Spencer Reise, "Nuclear Now!: How Clean, Green Atomic Energy Can Stop Global Warming," WIRED, vol. 13, February 2005. Copyright © 2005 Conde Nast Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduced by permission. Web

Union of Concerned Scientists. "Nuclear Power Is an Environmentally Unsound Way to Reduce Pollution". The Environment. Louise Gerdes, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints® Series. Greenhaven Press, 2009. Union of Concerned Scientists, "Nuclear Power and Global Warming," Union of Concerned Scientists: Position Paper, March 2007, pp. 1-4. Copyright © 2007 Union of Concerned Scientists. Reproduced by permission. Web.


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