Production Of Ethanol Should Not Take Place

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Everyday we take some form of energy. Energy through food, energy through heat to keep us warm, and energy for fuel. And I mean gasoline , gasoline is a necessity that keeps our infrastructure and economy running. However the price of this necessity has risen from a dollar to three dollars, and it’s been coupled with our ongoing fight against global warming.

Due to this and many more reasons, the State of Union address the 20 by 10 Plan, that is a reduction of gasoline usage by 20% by the next ten years. And filling that void using alternative fuels such as ethanol. Though the 20 by10 Plan may be beneficial for the called for implementation of alternative fuels.

For one the production of ethanol would be harmful to us in the fight of global warming, it’s not cost effective, and three it is not as efficient as those who thought of ethanol before.

How is it that such a fuel would be considered a green fuel when it’s not effective in our fight against global warming? How is it that a fuel that seems to be cheaper than gasoline would not be cheaper than gasoline? And how is it that in many situations ethanol would not be as efficient as some had thought it before?

These are some of the points that are argued today. And they come down to three categories. The environment, cost, and efficiency

Those in favor and against are based on these, and many more categories. But when it comes down to the facts and the figures present, the negatives outshine the positives. And the production of ethanol should not take place.

How is it that the production of ethanol hurts our environment. That is the impact on the environment and the impact on us. The first point that favors the pressure of ethanol on our environment is the fact that it reduces how many carbon particles we admit into the atmosphere. The more carbon particles we have in the atmosphere the more of our radiation gets trapped and the more energy comes back to us, and thus global warming.

Likewise if you produce ethanol, it’s a fuel that we’re allowed to grow and reap for again. That means we control the carbon carmine cycle.

However as Dan Becker, head of the Sierra Club Global Warming Program, states “ There are many ways that ethanol would be a disaster for the environment.

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