Essay On Synthetic Biology

587 Words2 Pages

Synthetic biology is the genetic engineering of an organism in able to alter the characteristics, traits, and task that it is not naturally supposed to. The goal of synthetic biology is to create new life forms by inserting computer-generated DNA sequences into living cells, and then breeding them to produce offspring. Unlike biology and chemistry, which are meant to be understood, synthetic biology is used to change the way something works. "Whereas standard biology treats the structure and chemistry of living things as natural phenomena to be understood and explained, synthetic biology treats biochemical processes, molecules, and structures as raw materials and tools to be used in novel and potentially useful ways, quite independent of their natural roles. It joins the knowledge and techniques of biology with the practical principles and techniques of engineering." The process of synthetic biology involves extracting the genetic makeup of one organism and inserting it into another organism. This all started in 1971 when Ananda Chakrabarty patented a bacteria genetically engineered ...

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