The Factors Affecting British Voting Turnout

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The Factors Affecting British Voting Turnout Turnout is declining, in 2001 the turnout was 75% yet in 2005, a mere 4 years later, the turnout had decreased to %9.4% a huge drop. This could be due to many reasons; one of these reasons could be the rise of apathy in politics in the UK. Voters may be satisfied by the government & the economy & may think that the existing government shall win the election yet again so may not come out to vote, it could also be the other way around, voters may think that the government is so appalling that its defeat is inevitable & voters foresee a new government coming into power. The turnout may be declining because voters have looked at the parties & their policies & think that two parties views are very similar & that they cannot decide which party to vote for. Voters may have looked at the parties & policies & realised that none of the parties have policies or issues that they are relate to, For Example: the Conservatives main policy may be about Pensions, & if an 18 year old student looks at their policies & decides that the policies have nothing to do with them & may not vote, either for the Conservatives or not at all. The electoral system is also old fashioned & voters may not understand how you have to register or vote. Other people may not vote due to class dealignment. Class dealignment can be explained by the reduced intensity of class consciousness in this period, caused by a number of factors such as the decline of the number of manual workers & the rise of in the service sector of employment. Class dealignment is perceived as having a particularly damaging effect on the electoral prospects of the Labour party, which failed to win a general election between the years of 1979 & 1997. It may decrease because of class dealignment because there is no longer a specific way of telling what class you belong to therefore voters using the primacy model may not feel they are no longer a part

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