The Positive Effects of Music on the Mind and Body

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What can improve students’ grades, mood, and socialization? That’s right, music. It has amazing effects on the mind and body. I propose that Southwestern Wisconsin School District needs to make music a required credit. Studies have shown that playing/singing music or even listening to music can have wondrous outcomes. One outcome is that it improves mathematical skills, communication skills, and creativity. It also has intriguing health benefits like stress relief, motivational exercising, and even could be used as a supplement to a drug. Music can change and even make your personality. It also helps you develop socially and get along as a society. There are many reasons that music can be valuable to our high school students.
You would never think that music has lots of health advantages but it does. Who doesn’t want to stay healthy? Music is extraordinarily easy to listen too and play. Today’s society is extremely stressful and frustrating. We tend to get caught up on the negatives in our day. “A recent survey involves people that are about to undergo surgery were prescribed to listen to music or anti-anxiety drugs. Then the surveyors tracked their anxiety levels. The results were that the people that were prescribed music had less anxiety than the drug prescribed patients” (Landau). It’s amazing what music can do. Whenever I feel sad or down in the dumps I almost always listen to music. It cheers me up. Another great health benefit is that it can help you exercise and with your motor skills. “Playing a musical instrument activates the motor cortex, premotor cortex, frontal cortex, and auditory cortex. These areas of the brain are essential for movement. Also different BPM’s (beats per minute) can motivate us to perform better...

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... some student will have trouble learning music. Admittedly it is difficult and frustrating at first. Nevertheless you can catch on to a musical instrument very fast. Therefore, having music a required credit is still a great idea.
There are endless effects of the issue that I’m pressing. If you just look at the facts and statistics you will see that we would benefit from this great idea. The idea of music as a required credit is a fantastic idea. It not only will strengthen our schools social division. It will also make students happier and less stressed. Then the best gain is that our schools academic will be strengthened beyond that of our neighboring schools. Our school will work as a whole. These opportunities to change our school with a required credit can have immense pay-offs. All we have to do is reach out and grab the idea and invoke it in our school.

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