William Shakespeare's The Tempest

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William Shakespeare's The Tempest “The rarer action is in virtue than in vengeance”

In act five, scene one, I believe that the lines; “the rarer action is

in virtue than in vengeance“ are pivotal to the text, because the

outcome of Prospero’s decision determines how the play concludes.

There are many subtle hints in the text which could suggest why

Prospero makes the decision that he does. First, we must question the

nature of forgiveness in ’The Tempest‘. The lines ”I do forgive thee /

Unnatural though thou art“ in act five, scene one are closely linked

with the lines ”The rarer action is in virtue than in vengeance“ as in

both lines it is not obvious why Prospero has decided to forgive.

When Prospero says ”unnatural though thou art“ this could be a reason

as to why he does forgive Alonso, because he has been able to

recognise that ”unnatural“ creatures are not that far removed from

man, and Prospero himself ; ”This thing of darkness, I acknowledge

mine“, which he admits being able to recognise in act five, scene one,

lines 275-276.

The lines ”This thing of darkness, I acknowledge mine“ offer us a

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