Poor Money Management Among Professional Athletes

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When people typically view professional athletes they see the lavish lifestyle, they see the big contracts, and figure that they must be set up financially for the rest of their life. This is not the case though as becoming a professional athlete is similar to hitting the lottery just genetically. Being an athlete creates a large amount of income early in life, but that income decreases to zero once retirement comes around. The documentary Broke is a compilation of interviews and incidents that occurred which showcase the poor money management done by professional athletes. Whether the athlete played basketball, baseball, football, or was a boxer it did not matter there were multiple instances where an athlete that made millions in that sport ended up filing for bankruptcy. This is a stunning set of circumstances to many, but this is the realism for athletes right now. Professional athletes should learn better money management techniques, to provide proper knowledge and stability for their future endeavors once their playing days are over.
With such a large portion of athlete...

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