Petroleum: An American Addiction

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America the beautiful, land of the greed and the home of oil. Along with being a major superpower comes an insurmountable thirst for fossil fuels. Imperialist ideals and the corporate oil empire can bring stability and jobs but heavy costs also arise. Numerous solutions have been tried, but without fixing the underlying problem more issues are inevitable. Our over-consumption has an incredible effect on our reliance on foreign oil. OPEC, the Organization of the Oil Producing Countries, has supplied Americans with a constant flow of both oil and jobs. Nevertheless, progression comes with high cost to our environment, in addition to pulling us into international involvements. Increasing the United States’ domestic oil production was just a safety net solution, when the real issue is our consumption problem. The removal of huge profits from war could help eliminate future entanglement abroad. Although indirect control over foreign petroleum supplies seems to bring economic stability to the oil hungry United States, the unnecessary international involvement and costs to do so could be avoided by stopping the greedy war machine and turning our focus to domestic renewable energy. Number one of one hundred ninety six countries. The United States tops the list of most oil consumption with our outrageous addiction to fossil fuels. With demand comes price, but there is a silver lining to the nearly $4.00 per gallon cost. The ‘Ecologist’ shares “Above all, cheaper oil would ease concerns about inflation, and so reduce the need for central bankers to increase interest rates. ("The heat is off; Oil.")” Petroleum is everywhere; consumer or commercial, products or fuel. Its the blood of America and has a powerful effect on all commerce. Infla... ... middle of paper ... ...s in the realm of global energy politics." The Middle East Nov. 2013: 32+. Student Edition. Web. 3 Mar. 2014. Cox, Michael. "Fighting for freedom: promoting democracy the American way."Harvard International Review 34.4 (2013): 36+. Student Edition. Web. 3 Mar. 2014. "The heat is off; Oil." The Economist 30 Sept. 2006: 82(US). Student Edition. Web. 25 Mar. 2014. "Just war for oil?" America 21 Oct. 2013: 4. Student Edition. Web. 3 Mar. 2014. Kendall, Clare. "Crude justice." Geographical June 2011: 46+. Student Edition. Web. 3 Mar. 2014. Skov Arlie M. "Fuel-use reduction strategies." Issues in Science and Technology28.3 (2012): 12+. Student Edition. Web. 25 Mar. 2014. Nikiforuk, Andrew. "The petroleonic wars: why the battle over pipelines could become our energy Waterloo. Bring on the coalitions." Alternatives Journal 39.5 (2013): 43. Student Edition. Web. 3 Mar. 2014.

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