Personal Reflections: Successes and Failures

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In my opinion, success and failure depend on whether you have given your best shot. Even though trying does not guarantee a good outcome, it is always worth the try. If a person does not take the first step to get out of his comfort zone, how can he ever improve himself from where he began with? However, I am a very shy and really lazy with reading news or books. Moreover, in my living area, there are more people to speak Chinese rather than English. Based on my principle I believed in and exactly what motivated me to try the best of my ability in everything I do. Therefore, I setup my goal and force myself to read more and speak more in order to be prepared for this class. As English is my second language, and the weakness in grammar, it definitely drives me crazy. English revolves around the twenty-six alphabets, but what makes it complicated are: pronunciation, sentences structure, and vocabulary. Although I have learned English for more than six years, every aspect of my English is not good enough for getting accepted at a university. At the beginning of the semester, I notice...

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