Anti Semitism In The Merchant Of Venice

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The Merchant of Venice is a play that deals with an assortment of issues that range from politics to racial views of the Jewish people. An embodiment of these two issues can be best attributed to the character of Shylock. In a 2004 production of The Merchant of Venice, by Michael Radford, we see the character of Shylock is portrayed in a different light than that of Shakespeare's 1594 villainous Jew. Both productions pose a series of questions in comparison. An understanding of the era that these plays were written in and the audience’s perception of the production attribute greatly to a true analysis. Another aspect of these productions asks who Shylock was to Shakespeare and who he has developed into for Al Pacino and Michael Radford. During the sixteenth-century there was a very prominent existence of anti-semitism. The English audience had a very clear prejudice towards the Jewish people because of the deep-rooted concept of anti-semitism. This mindset carried from everyday life to plays and productions of the time. This ill will towards the Jewish people spawned from political and religious disputes that were unresolved. The portrayal of Shylock as a villainous Jew is a logical move for the …show more content…

There are sound arguments for both sides. Was Shakespeare trying to please the Crown or were these his true view? Pro anti-semiotic argue that if Shakespeare didn’t have anti-semiotic view then why would he write a play that centers on this topic? The rebuttal would beg to question the intentions behind the play. Does this play truly paint Shylock in a negative light or are his action in mere response to the given situation? It is because of this question new productions are allowed to evolve past the anti-semiotic view and add new elements that play out this question even more. There is not a right answer to Shakespeare’s true intentions or views but there are many

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