The Path of Food and Alcohol

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Your food goes through a lot before it is fully digested by your body. Your body must take in all of the nutrients from your food to benefit and affect your body. Pablo, Jimmy Bob, Akihuro, and Darius ate fully loaded nachos and beer while celebrating at a World Series Party. All the food they have eaten will go through the path of the digestive system, to the blood in the circulatory system, and in this case, the alcohol will affect the central nervous system.
The digestion system's job is to break down food into small molecules to be absorbed by villi in the small intestine. Digestion starts when they first took a bite of their nachos and enters the oral cavity. The tongue moves the food around the mouth so teeth can mash it down, while salivary glands secrete saliva to wet the food. It is swallowed down the pharynx and down the esophagus where it then enters the stomach. The stomach adds hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes to the ball of food to mechanically break it down. This is where the proteins from the cheese, sour cream, and beef are absorbed. The now semiliquid food passes through the pyloric sphincter into the small intestine. The small intestine is the point of diffusion and where absorption occurs.
The nachos previously eaten are now ready for absorption in the small intestine. This is where the carbohydrates and lipids of the food are to be absorbed. Multiple of digestive enzymes made by the liver and pancreas act on the food. The tissue lining of the small intestine is built with fingerlike parts called villi and its hilly microvilli. This is where the circulatory system comes into place. The villi absorb the food molecules and diffuse them into the blood vessels which then enter the bloodstream. The heart pumps the blood throughout the body. By the time the food reaches the end of the small intestine, all of nutrients are absorbed and digested. The food is passed to the large intestine where the remaining water is absorbed. The large intestine compacts the food into feces where it is the stored in your colon. The colon straightens out into your rectum where the once fully loaded nachos exit through the anal canal and anus.
While Pablo, Jimmy Bob, Akihuro, and Darius were at the party, they drank a lot of beer. The alcohol has effects on the brain, which is a part of the central nervous system.

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