Parallel Themes in the Plays, The Glass Menagerie and A Raisin in the Sun

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In the plays The Glass Menagerie and A Raisin in the Sun, both tried to soak up the dreams they all had envisioned. The hardships of life and trying to get that dream can be a struggle. In both plays reality was a major factor of disrupting them from pushing towards it. In a Raisin in the Sun it was Prejudice and being black people. In The Glass Menagerie it was probably Laura the disabled sister and daughter.

The Glass Menagerie and A Raisin in the sun are similar in ways of how they live and differences in generation. The Glass Menagerie is a non-working class family, the father worked to support the family. In A Raisin in the Sun almost everyone worked to keep up with the household. Amanda is the character who revolves around everyone similarly to mama. Amanda tries to get what she wants through Laura her daughter. Laura doesn’t say much about her feelings she is very bashful unlike beneatha who is expressive especially about her non- belief in god.

Amanda also pressures Laura to get married so that she can fulfill her past life through Laura by her having a man that can care...

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