Overpopulated Correctional Facilities

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Prisons have been around for many years; but are today's prisons or ‘Correctional Facilities” really doing their only job, correcting? These facilities made to help and rehabilitate prisoners are doing anything but. Prisons today are not doing their job properly. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics “3 in 4 former prisoners in 30 states [are] arrested within 5 years of release”. Would this be happening if they were doing the correct thing? The conditions inmates are kept in, the fact that prison sentences are too long or trivial, and that a significant amount of inmates are mentally ill and need help.
There are 2 major reasons why there are so many people incarcerated at this time. The 3 strike rule is a major contributor to life long sentences. The ‘three strike rule’ is a rule that states that if a person receives 3 felonies then they are sentenced to life in prison. This rule allows no room for rehabilitation or help for the offender, just a lifetime behind bars. But on the off chance these people are released they have to learn how to function in a world of taxes, money, and non threatening socialization. For some this change is simple, but others find it easier to just go back to prison. The laziness of the prison system is another factor. 51% of those in prison are there because of drug related charges. Instead of getting these people the help that they need, they are jailed. Maybe time in jail will change their minds and “fix them”. But without rehabilitation and treatment for drug problems along with follow ups with parole officers that lifestyle is hard to get out of. In order to release people some laws have to be changes and sentences shortened. The 3 strike rule should not be used in some cases because...

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.... 09 Apr. 2014. .

Lessons From European Prisons." The New York Times. The New York Times, 07 Nov. 2013. Web. 09 Apr. 2014. .
"THELAWPAGES.COM." Maximum Sentences for Criminal Offences Table List. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2014. .








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