Personal Philosophy Of Education Essay

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My personal philosophy of education is to produce a holistic individual with strong character and strong morals and provide freedom that enables the person to grown into a virtuous and free adult. The purpose of education within this framework is to give the learner the power to make wise decision that would positively impact on his life as well as the lives of the entire society.
In discussing my personal philosophy of education, I will elaborate on the aim of education, address the role of the teacher and the learner and explain them method of classroom practices. Justification of my personal philosophy will be provided with reference to four theorists that include Rousseau and the realism theory (1712-1778); Dewey and the pragmatism theory (1859-1952); Freire and the critical theory (1921-1997); Montessori and the Social Reconstructionism and Critical Pedagogy theory (1870-1952) (Cahn, 1997). It will also be demonstrated that my personal philosophy of education is in contrast to idealism theory advocated by …show more content…

In his critical theory of education, Freire suggested that when learners participate more in the learning process, the teacher can be able to determine the points of “emptiness” that exist among the learners and address or fill such specific points of emptiness.
Similarly, Montessori and the Social Reconstructionism and Critical Pedagogy theory held that by participating more in the learning process learners are given freedom to interact with the environment around them through research and other learning processes which exposes supports and sustains the natural way of the learners. Hence, participatory teaching method through research activities, experiments and engaging learners in discussion is the most appropriate classroom

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