Man to God Relationship

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Man to God Relationship

Sumerian, Judaic, and Greek Cultures

The Sumerians emerged approximately 3000 to 2500 B.C. in a region known as the “Fertile Crescent” located between the Euphrates and Tigris River and were considered by most historians to be the world’s first civilization. During this period of time, a form of writing was established known as cuneiform. It was from this form of writing that we discovered a great epic known as Gilgamesh and became enlightened about the Man to God relationship of the Sumerian culture.

Similarly, the Judaic culture emerged within the same region. A man named Abraham, a Sumerian, was believed to have come from the city of Ur. Abraham is known today as the father of three religions Judaic, Islamic, and Christianity. During the period of 1000 to 300 B.C. we see another great book of stories emerge known as the Bible: The Old Testament. This collection of work tells us about the history of the Jewish people.

During the late 8th century B.C. the Greek alphabet is formed and two great epic poems emerged known as the Iliad and Odyssey. There is some controversy today of the author, Homer, and whether or not he even existed, but regardless of the author, we are introduced to the Greek culture by these two great works of literature.

Mans relationship to God played a huge role during the early periods of civilization and within the three cultures mentioned above. The Sumerians and Greeks were polytheistic whereas the Judaic religion was ...

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