Oh What a Colorful Mind You Have There

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There are many who underestimate the importance of proper color choice within web design. For those who delve deeper into this art, however, will quickly realize that it is incredibly essential to the successful construction of a website. Every color has attributes associated with it, and depending on which part of the world you’re in, different meanings. An entire category of science has been dedicated to analyzing colors, their effects on those who view them, and how various colors interact with each other. In web design, understanding the various effects and meanings of different colors and how they can influence your target audience is crucial. Colors have a wide range of effects on their viewers (Chapman, 2010). Red, for example, has been shown to raise blood pressure and respiration rates, and also enhance human metabolism. Orange commands attention and may lead the viewer to receive a sense of friendliness and invitation. Yellow has a bit more of a range, depending on the value, or lightness or darkness, of the color. Yellow in general can lend a sense of happiness and cheerfulness. Lighter yellows can send out a more calming form of happiness. Darker yellows are known for transmitting a sense of antiquity. Green is known for its balancing and harmonizing effects, as well as stability. Brighter greens tend to release a more energizing feel. Blue, in my opinion, is a rather strong color, with a wide variety of effects depending on its shade. Light blues tend to be refreshing, friendly, relaxing, and calming. Darker blues tend to lend out a feeling of strength and reliability. Very bright blues have a habit of transmitting energy and refreshment. Purple has had a long history of reminding people of royalty, hence why darker s... ... middle of paper ... ...Designer, Part 3: Creating Your Own Color Palettes. Retrieved February 20, 2014, from http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2010/02/08/color-theory-for-designer-part-3-creating-your- own-color-palettes/ Friedman, V. (2007, September 27). Smashing Magazine. 10 Usability Nightmares You Should Be Aware Of. Retrieved February 23, 2014, from http://uxdesign.smashingmagazine.com/2007/09/27/10-usability-nightmares-you-should-be- aware-of/ Friedman, V. (2008, January 31). Smashing Magazine. 10 Principles Of Effective Web Design. Retrieved February 20, 2014, from http://uxdesign.smashingmagazine.com/2008/01/31/10- principles-of-effective-web-design/ Jones, H. (2009, May 26). 10 Super Useful Tools for Choosing the Right Color Palette. Web Design Ledger RSS. Retrieved February 23, 2014, from http://webdesignledger.com/tools/10- super-useful-tools-for-choosing-the-right-color-palette

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