Nutrition Writing Style

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Food is a universal need similar to writing. Writing is one of the best means of communication and without it we would not thrive as a society. As with food, everyone needs it to be able to flourish. Writing in any field is crucial for communication especially in nutrition because dietitians are dealing with people on a daily basis. Writing in various styles encompasses most of what dietitians do for a living. The minimum degree for employment is a Bachelor’s degree, however recipients of a Master’s degree tend to go further and enjoy greater success. A career in Nutrition can be very versatile, because of its broadness. The kinds of writing that are required continue to diversify. After conducting an open-ended survey of six Nutrition majors, which comprised of three undergraduate and graduate students, responses indicated that most of the answers varied from person to person. Although, there were some answers that correlated like graduate students being more focused on quantitative analysis and the interpretation of data, including reports and charting, undergraduate students writing style are more centered on research papers. According to Bureau of Labor Statistics, dietitians are experts in nutrition, healthy eating, and advising people on a balanced diet (“Dietitians and Nutritionists”). Even though none of the subjects have become registered dietitians yet, the graduate students are the closest. They are more prepared and have more exposure in the field through previously being an undergraduate. Therefore, it has helped them to formulate more detail-orientated answers. Even though the responses were anonymous, for the entire survey it was clear which questions were answered by the graduate students. For example, one graduat... ... middle of paper ... Depending on how far the person wants to go into the career will ultimately guide how much writing they will see in the future. In nutrition, research papers will be a dominate writing style throughout the entire career, but mostly in undergraduate school. While in graduate school and further in the career, students will be focused on reports and charting information. Depending on if the person likes qualitative or quantitative will also help them decide which area to seek. Nutrition students should experiment with different writing styles in order to find their preferred one and look for the area in dietetics that the writing style dominates in. Works Cited "Dietitians and Nutritionists." U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. U.S. Department of Labor, 8 Jan. 2014. Web. 27 Mar. 2014. “Research”. Merriam-Webster. 2011. Web. 27 March, 2014.

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