The Norse Battle Formations

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One of the battle formations that Norse warriors formed was called the “svinfylking” (boar formation). The svinfylking was a battle formation where a group of heavily armed warriors (usually 20 to 30) would interlock their shields to form a wedge that had the center pointing towards the enemy's formation. The triangular wedge tapered back on each side from the center point to make a tight spearhead. The Viking warriors would get in a “boar formation” wedge and then charge forward in this tight interlocked formation, spearheading into the enemy's line and breaking through by sheer force alone. Much like a boar’s charge. The sheer force of this charge was tenacious enough that wedge would punch a hole right through the opposing force's shield wall formation. Spearheading through the enemy's formation in this “boar formation” would spread panic in the enemy and break their lines, turning the battle in favor for the Norseman. Several boar wedge formations could also be grouped side by side forming a zigzag line pattern against the enemy's line and break through their ranks.
Use of the “svinfylking” (boar formation) was unique to the Norse and early Germanic people at the time, as the Romans did not document this as a Saxon tactic.
The successful use of a formation of this type most probably required training and considerable practice. It was probably taught and practiced enroute to the battlefield by experienced warriors with irregular troops, as most called up Norse armies were levied (conscripted) and were farmers by trade. Although it is also likely to have been learned earlier, as most Norse were taught and practiced the use of weapons and tactics from boyhood.
Often the Boar formation not only consisted of warriors i...

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...nger a threat.
Quite often, legs and arms would be the only exposed targets that would be easy to hit. Obviously the most tempting target against a warrior that was wearing a mail shirt or other body armor that would also be protected by their shield. The head usually crowned with a helmet, the exposed legs, arms, face and neck would be the best areas to target.
Many of the fallen warriors are usually found with major leg injuries, where they were incapacitated and then left behind to bleed to death on the field as the battle went on to be decided. It was a common practice of the day for the victor to return and slay the enemy's wounded that remained.
Beyond standard formations, the Viking also had special troops that would reap fear into the enemy and instill encouragement on the friendly side. One kind of these special warriors were the infamous berserkers.

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