New Testament Apologietics

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Lecture One: Introduction To The New Testament

A. Basic Facts About The Bible

66 books, written by 40 different authors over 1500 years

39 O.T. “old” = 3 letters, “testament” 9… 3—9--39

27 N.T. “new” = 3 letters, “testament” 9

blessings multiplied 3x9 = 27

B. How did we get the Bible we have today? The O.T. was preserved through the Nation of Israel/Judah to the time of Jesus. The Septuagint (3rd century BC) is a Greek translation of the Hebrew Scripture & the primary text in 1st century Israel. The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in 1947 provided important archaeological verification of the O.T.

How was the N.T. put together? The books of the N.T., were written within 30-60 years after Jesus was raised from the dead & ascended to Heaven. First Century Israel was primarily an oral culture. Scholars estimate that 3-5% of the people could read & write. Teaching at first was oral, but the early Church leaders realized a written record would be needed for future generations. There were 3 criteria used to determine if a document should be in the Bible.

1. Apostolic Origin: Is the document directly connected to one of the Apostles? A document had to have been written by an Apostle, or a close associate of an Apostle or Jesus. Matthew & John were Apostles & eyewitnesses of the events they record in their Gospels; Peter & Paul were also Apostles; Mark an associate of Peter; Luke an associate of Paul; James & Jude brothers of Jesus.

2. Doctrinal consistency. Are these documents consistent with the teachings of Jesus & the Apostles? Acts 2:42 “They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles' teaching & to fellowship, to the breaking of bread & to prayer.”

3. Historical Acknowledgement. Do the documents have ...

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... the Great was appointed governor of Judea and ruled from 37 to 4 B.C. Jesus was born during Herod’s reign.

4 words help us link together the whole of God’s Word.

Preparation: In O.T. God prepared humanity for Messiah.

Revelation: In the four Gospels God revealed Messiah—Jesus of Nazareth, the Only Begotten Son of God. Jesus entered the world, died for humanity, & was raised back to life.

Action: In Acts & Epistles God puts into action His plan to redeem humanity through Jesus. The Church universal is begun, the Gospel is preached, individual churches are established throughout the Roman Empire, and Christians are instructed how to live as new creations of God.

Completion: In the Book of Revelation, the outcome of God’s perfect plan is revealed. Satan is defeated, sinners are judged, believers are rewarded, & Jesus reigns forever as King of Kings.

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