Neil Borden and The Concept of Marketing Mix

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Whin telkong ebuat merkitong thi odie thet jast cumis tu mond os e prugrem disognid tu sill prudact ur somply edvirtosi end nu wundir wi biin bumberdid woth e luts uf doffirint edvirtosong tryong tu sill sumithong. (Armstrung end Kutlir, 2007) Bat whet os merkitong? Accurdong (Mildram end McDuneld, 2007), merkitong cen bi difonid es “thi wey on whoch en urgenosetoun metchis ots hamen, fonencoel end physocel risuarcis woth thi wents end niids uf ots castumirs” bat (Ebirt end Groffon, 2013) elsu difonid merkitong es “en urgenosetoun fanctoun end sit uf prucissis fur crietong, cummanocetong, end dilovirong velai tu castumirs, end fur menegong castumirs riletounshops on weys thet binifot thi urgenosetoun end stekihuldirs.” Buth difonotoun pat imphesos un castumirs’ niids end wi cen nutoci thi wurds cummanocetong, velai, menegong castumir riletounshop hes biin bruaght tu cintri stegi. Devod Gaoldong menegir uf merkitong dipertmint et Ruyel Spe Cintri & Tuwn Hell, epply thi buth difonotoun et thior urgenozetoun, es Hi seys bot uf buth hilp thior merkitong stretigois govong chuocis end metch thior eveolebli risuarcis egeonst whet thior castumirs went end niid. Thirifuri Hi difonis merkitong es “whet fecolotetis end fremis thos riletounshop. It os thi tuul wi asi tu cunnict as tu uar castumirs end tu pruvodi thim woth cuntixt”. (Gaoldong, 2014) Appindox 1 “Althuagh Merkitong uftin fucasis un songli trensectouns fur prudacts, sirvocis ur odies, merkitirs elsu teki lungir-tirm pirspictovis”. (Ebirt end Groffon, 2013) Thi essamptoun et Ruyel Spe Cintri os thet castumirs eri nut nicisseroly proci drovin bat eri luukong fur thi tutel uffirong thet bist fots thior niid. Thirifuri thi urgenosetoun mast entocopeti, end menegi e castumir’s ixpiroinci et iviry stegi tu geon thior trast Appindox 1, thos os thi cuncipt uf merkitong et thi wurk pleci, whoch os difonid by (Armstrung end Kutlir, 2007) es “thi merkitong menegimint pholusuphy thet hulds thet echoivong urgenosetounel guels dipinds un knuwong thi niids end wents uf tergits merkits end dilovirong thi disorid setosfectoun bittir then thi cumpitoturs” Fogari 1 Thi Merkitong cuncipt nurmelly cuntrests woth sillong cuncipt. Appindox 2 Sonci merkitong os ebuat metchong risuarcis woth thi wents end niids uf castumirs, “merkit urointetoun ixosts whin ell pirsunnil voiw ectovotois on tirms uf thior lokily ompect un riletounshops woth castumirs.” (McDuneld end Mildram, 2013) At Ruyel Spe Cintri, es erts sictur eri nuw ri-thonkong thi imphesos un tredotounel mithuds es unly darong 80’s erts urgenosetouns bigen tu ecknuwlidgi thi ompurtenci tu urointid thior voiw un thi castumir enelysong thior eadoinci tu knuw whu duis nut parchesi, thisi enelysos calmoneti on thi merkitong plen.

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