The Need for Positive Migration Policies in the United States

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For Hundreds of years people have migrated to America in search of better opportunity. Immigrants are an essential part of American history; they have shaped the states by creating a diverse and unique cultural population in America and fueled the industrial revolution in search of better opportunity and a way to support a growing family. In the past, immigrates that came to America have promoted change through reform and have always had a positive outlook on the United States due to their freedom to grow and start a better life. However, immigration has now come to a halt due to outdated immigration policies and recent problems in America. From this, many attempt and succeed in sneaking into the country illegally. The increasing problem with the immigration policy and illegal immigration has started to reshape America in a negative way, which has forced the government to no longer ignore the situation. Change is inevitable; however, the United States needs to work to make positive immigration reforms that will increase the economy and security of America. With our current immigration policy, people wanting to come to the United States forced to wait years to do so due to the long processes and paperwork involved. Not only do they have to spend a great deal of time and money to get here, but people wanting to settle in America have to fall into a small group of people that have been deemed “qualified” to become a United States citizen. An option immigrants have to obtain a visa is through family-based immigration. People qualify for this visa by being a close relative to a United States citizen. For example, spouses, parents, and children of an Untied States citizen all qualify for these visas. For a visa like this to be granted... ... middle of paper ... ...t our current government policies are outdated and inefficient. The United States was built and shaped through immigrants; a new policy needs to be implemented so that we can renew the American dream. Works Cited Immigration Policy Center. How the United States Immigration system Works: A Fact Sheet. 4 November 2010. 26 march 2014 . Kallick, David Dyssegaard. Immigrant Small Business Owners. New York: Fiscal Policy Institute's Immigration Research Initiative, 2012. Kane, Tim and Kirk A Johnson. The Real Problem with Immigration... And the Real Solution. 1 March 2006. 26 March 2014 . Ma, Ying. "A Legal Immigrant's Story." 3 April 2013. Fow News. 26 March 2014 . Rizzo, Carol. Immigrant Kolby Nowakowski. 26 March 2014. The White House Wahington. 26 March 2014. 26 March 2014 .

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