National Innovation System in Russia

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National Innovation System of Russia

The idea of National Innovation System acts as a key role in all definition of innovation system. The investigation will show the key elements of NIS, how the Government, Universities and Commercial putting efforts to work together on the development of the Nation. The NIS body looks in the funding and modification of new science and technology, which can be in terms of technical, legal, social, commercial. The following report will analyse the Russian NIS development vision, mainly looking in the area of concern like, implementing innovative policy in Russia, emphasis on assisting and encouraging the activities that are related in the various innovation process whether in long and short term.

Russia’s Business Environment
After the Soviet Union falls in 1991 Russia was suffering from unstable economic growth and facing the crisis, impacting directly on the economy resulting in increased poverty line, fallen in life expectancy, low birth rate and decreasing GDP rate. The Business environment has increased considerably and without any changes in the regulations making entrepreneur uncertain about management decisions. Also the outdated labour forces bound the employment and productivity growth. Below are the current facts about the economic structure during the period of 2011,

Population 142.4 million
GDP (ppp) $2.4 trillion
Growth Rate 4.30%
Per capita $16,736
Unemployment 6.60%
Inflation (CPI) 8.40%
FDI Inflow $52.9 billion
Public Debt 9.6% of GDP

Currently, Russia has begun to grow by focusing and creating opportunities in few areas like internal external investment, growing business in natural resource. In the year 2005 and 2007 the flow of capital and...

... middle of paper ... changes. Even though, the instability of early Nineties Russia continues Research and Development capacity. Many new positive changes have been seen through the investigation, where science is rediscovered after fifteen years of hard time and less financed. This article shows the creation of legal institution for Russia’s NIS industrial sector.

In my point of and with the help of these investigation people the less like to adapt and look new innovative products and services. NIS still has to work on base i.e. high quality of education, where individual can compete in international bar. Furthermore the political and legal constrain should be well organized to attached FDI and NIS development is also depend upon other countries. Hence, mutual exchange of research and knowledge of NIS will always be beneficial for a developing country to become a developed nation.

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