My views

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Wisniewski 2

As a child my primary understanding of the Bible came from a book of collected stories that my mother gave to me when I was about seven years old. My family, at this time, did not go to church, so I had no other point of reference or input to draw from. I kept this book until I was about age nineteen and would read from cover to cover at least 10 times during my childhood. As a younger child I viewed the Bible as a great action adventure book full of stories with heroes and villains. The heroes, although they would struggle would be rewarded by God and triumph in the end. The villains would be punished and would either change and become good or continue to suffer from their misdeeds. At this time I did not perceive the Bible to be anything more than a mystical and wonderful collection of stories.
As I grew into my teen years my parents moved to a small rural area which had an older established church in it. We began attending this church rather sporadically, however this where I got my first real taste of organized religion. This church used the Bible as a means to draw attention to the rules that God set forth in the Old Testament. Those who did not follow the rules were considered sinners and were called out in front of the whole church, so the remainder of the members could try to help them correct their deficiencies and hold them accountable to staying within the confines of God’s laws. The few times I went to this church made me feel sick. I felt as though no matter what I did I would be considered a sinner and I was terrified that I would be called out in this church.

Wisniewski 3

I was sure that I would be condemned to an ete...

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...ertently. I now feel confident in my own abilities to understand what it is that God wants me to do as an individual and also as a member of the Christian community. I have nothing fear as long as I seek and am open to His guidance. Since this class has begun, I have become inspired to take a more active role in my church and the outside community. My church was once a thriving congregation, but over time has lost members and has failed to grow due to everyone being stuck in a spiritual rut. I am now involved in a committee which is working to engage more of our members and get them excited again about what is going on at our church. Our group’s primary goal is to

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encourage everyone to be active participants instead of just attendees. I am excited to see the direction that this will take me in and what the future holds for our congregation.

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