My Philosophy of Education and Goals I Wish to Pursue as a Teacher

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When I was growing up I remember in elementary my teachers would always pass out these standardized tests and at the beginning of them there would be some simple questions to fill out before we, the students, could begin. There would always be that one question, what do you want to be when you grow up? I always put doctor or lawyer because I assumed that was the right answer. What the “grown-ups” wanted to hear. I remember finally in the seventh grade that I still didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life and we had to take another standardized test. There it was, that abominable question, staring me in the face. I picked up my pencil to right in the correct answer, when my English teacher stopped the class and told us something that I’ll never forget, it was like as if she had read my mind and wanted to put me at ease. “Class what you want to do for the rest of you’re life is a big decision, and it’s okay if you don’t know exactly what you want to be right now. You have time. Remember though when you do finally decide on what you want your career to be, do what you love, do what makes you happy,” she said. That’s when I knew the answer had been staring at me all these years I just hadn’t seen it clearly. I wanted to teach, I wanted to be the one standing in front of the classroom helping students as my English teacher had helped me just then.

My philosophy of education is a student-centered one. I believe in focusing on the individual abilities and involving students in the learning process. In my process of education I have had all types of teachers. I found that in a classroom where I had to sit there and just memorize would help me on the test, I would soon forget right after. But in a classroom where the teacher took an...

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...eaching them not only in the gym but outside as well. I have also tutored students. I know how to talk to students and make them understand in a way that they will continue to understand throughout the subject. I think my experience with coaching and tutoring will help me excel in pursuing my job as a teacher.

These are my goals that I hope to pursue as a teacher. I want a hands-on approach to my classroom. I want to help these students intellectually and develop morally. Teaching is a difficult job, but I am willing to take the difficulty along with the rewards it comes with being a teacher. After graduation, I plan to begin teaching. My goal is to be a teacher that influences their students to do the best they can. Exceed beyond the limits that they have set for themselves; understand that there is a whole world out there and an endless number of possibilities.

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