My Definition of Success

510 Words2 Pages

When I think of success, I think of a bumper sticker I saw once which

read, “He who dies the most toys wins”. That has always stuck with me

because I have never thought of material possessions as the yard stick of

my success in life. As everyone wishes, I would like to be comfortable and

not always worrying about bills but, extravagance for the sake of status is

not success. I think success in a person is defined by happiness and

people’s pride in being a good person. Although, it is different for

everyone, no one can tell you if you were successful at something. In my

opinion, if you can look back and say you are happy and proud of your past

and present: you were successful.

I must credit my mother with influencing my definition of success the

most because; as I grew up I watched her take a doomed business and

turn it into a very fierce competitor in the local market. Even in all the work

it took over the years; she always had time for my brother and I, never

forgetting her family. During this time, she insti...

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