My Choice of Food in Canada

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Food is something we all need to survive yet often times it is more than just that. Food is a way to connect with our heritage, to celebrate, and to relive memories. Certain foods bring back a thousand memories while others are simply repulsing. Whether it be cinnamon buns or chocolate cake, we all have a food that is our favorite. When someone asks us to give a description of ourselves, favorite foods are used to describe who we are. Food can change a bad day, food can be the highlight of your day. Food is awesome. I would say Canadians are mostly local food consumers because 75-80% of my diet was foods that are produced or grown in Canada. Most of the grains and wheat we consume is grown in Canada along with cheeses and some vegetables. Imported or global foods would include some fruits and fresh vegetables. For example, the banana I eat everyday is imported from Guatemala. Also, the celery and carrots which I eat as a daily snack were imported from California. However, some Canadians may be mainly global consumers because they eat traditional foods that are imported to Canada from other countries. I do consume a lot of South Asian food myself but the majority of the ingredients are grown or produced in Canada such as lentils and beans. Some exceptions would be the spices such as Garam Masala or Turmeric which are imported from India. Considering my own diet and generalizing it for most Canadians, I would say it is not really a concern because the majority of foods I consume are Canadian. However, I would add that I am a vegetarian, and perhaps the percentage of food grown or produced in Canada would vary significantly for someone who is not a vegetarian or vegan. Some of the meats in the grocery store are imported from t... ... middle of paper ... ... and what kind of a lifestyle I believe is healthy. In other instances however, food does mold who I am. As explained above I, often cook fusion foods which reflect my Indian heritage within North American foods. The type of food I buy also molds who I am. Again I consider myself fairly health conscious and therefore when at the grocery store I try to make wise choices by reading labels because being aware of what is going into your body is important to me. I consider myself a conscious and aware consumer, therefore food does mold me. Works Cited 1 Turner, Chris. “The Farms Are Not Alright.” The Walrus News, Oct. 2011. Web. 20 May. 2014. 2 Fraser, Evan. “How to Feed Nine Billion.” The Walrus News, Dec. 2012. Web. 20 May. 2014. 3 Chapman, Sasha. “Manufacturing Taste.” The Walrus News, Sept 2012. Web. 20 May. 2014.

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