The Movie Version of The Odyssey

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We cannot deny the inheritance of Homer, to Shakespeare’s dramas. The Greek culture provided much of the bases for Shakespeare’s writings. Homer though blind, gained intense knowledge and philosophical skills from Plato and Aristotle. Plato and Aristotle was eager to establishing a methodical way of communicate through alphabetic writing. The introduction of and adaptations of the Phoenician alphabet the Greeks added vowels.

Homer’s ability to recite oral accounts of biblical books, stories of wars, of gods. The passing along of knowledge, philosophy, moral standings and social justice and education through written are words forever indoctrinated, into society.

The language does not yet provide a clear direct description, but provides poetic tones of rhythmus word combinations. The words are scripted so, to provide memorization and to simply the association for phase and information. However, Havelock (1963) points out, “oral poetry is not just remembering, but is commemoration, a re-living of the past, complete with all of the feeling and emotions associated with it.”

The movie version of, The Odyssey, provided an easier dialog to understand than Hamlet. Homer’s epic orality and literacy culture was more comprehensive, it literary compass as provided for in book one, “Oh goddess of Inspiration, help me sing of wily Odysseus, the master of schemes!” The line is deciphered as, praying to the goddess Athena, the goddess of war, that she may provide words that he could use to plot against his enemies. (Johnson, Johnson V. 2003)

Shakespeare’s ‘Hamlet’ oral and screen versions provide little understanding orally or through alphabetic culture. The words are used so cleverly or so mundane that it relates t...

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Havelock, E. (1986, January 1). The Alphabetic Mind: A Gift of Greece to the Modern World. Retrieved April 1, 2011, from Journal.oraltraditon:

Johnson, C. J. (2003). Unerstanding The Odyssey. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press.

Nosotro, R. (2010, September 09). Hyperlinked World History with Biblical Perspective. Retrieved April 4, 2011, from HyperHistory:

Palmer, M. (2002,2009). A Concise Overview of the History of the Greek Language. Retrieved April 5, 2011, from History of the Greek Language:

Shakespeare, W. (1997-2011). Retrieved 4 3, 2011, from Academy of American Poets:

Johnson, C. J. (2003). Unerstanding The Odyssey. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press.

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