Motor, Sensory, and Perceptual Functions Throughout the Lifespan

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Lecture on motor, sensory, and perceptual functions throughout the lifespan
Hello Class,
The purpose for this lecture is to discuss biological and physical development that involves “motor, sensory, and perceptual development throughout the lifespan. In addition, I will discuss the role of body and brain functions, the importance of health, nutrition, and exercise, as well as the nature and nurture debate exemplified in these topics as they relate to processes in lifespan development.
Lifespan is the perspective that development is continuous, and development involves growth throughout the lifespan. Lifespan development also helps individuals understand who they are, how they came to be and what they can expect as they continue on in their future. Every individual is born and go through a process of growth and changes throughout their lifespan.
Lifespan development involves four critical issues and they are as followed:
• Continuity / discontinuity development
• Critical an sensitive periods of development
• Approaches that focus on particular influences of lifespan development
• Nature and nurture development
Based on the text information, “Lifespan development is the study of psychological differences amongst individuals throughout a lifespan. To get a better understand of lifespan development, one may focus on the concepts of biological and physical developments involving the “motor, sensory, and perceptual development throughout one’s lifespan from birth to old age. Field (2007), states “during the first two months of birth, an infants’ body and brain go through major growth changes that affects his or her biological and physical development throughout the lifespan” (Field, 2007).
An infant growth pattern began at the top o...

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... of nutrition needed to develop on daily basic, may experience malnutrition. This often happen through neglect, or when low income families do not have enough food for their children, however, there are a many organization to assist needy families with children.
Early childhood involving Infant’s and toddlers is the most important period of child development. It is the period that shapes their biological and physical development skill that involves their “motor, sensory, and perceptual development during their entire lifespan”.
In conclusion I have discussed the biological and physical development that involves “motor, sensory, and perceptual development throughout the lifespan. In addition, I have discussed the role of body and brain functions, and the importance of health, nutrition, and exercise, as well as the nature and nurture involving lifespan development.

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