Essay On Mini Lesson Plan

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Children are like sponges, they absorb everything they see, hear and do. As teachers, our job is to mold them in becoming good citizens in today’s society. We all have that one teacher who motivated, inspired and made learning a fun experience. Those moments have stuck with us throughout life, we have given those teachers a high level of trust by showing us how much they care. Teaching wasn 't my childhood dream, however, life experiences led me to take that path. I currently work as a Sitter for an autistic child. I have been working with him for over two years now. Never have I worked with a child who has a disability. I have seen major improvement since being together, it brings me so much joy to see how much of an improvement he has been …show more content…

Never having to experience an implementation of a mini lesson plan made me love the idea and purpose of it even, how it benefits to the student. There are three categories in a mini-lesson that I found to be very useful: Management, Strategies and Skills and Literacy Analysis. The strategy and skill that stood out to me, was how much readers can make connections by accessing prior knowledge. "While a well-designed worksheet can help children engage in thought reading work."(Chapter 8, p. 129). In my opinion, a worksheet can be useful because it gives them a better understanding and concept of what was read. These skills as designed to improve students reading, become more aware and comprehend the information. As a future teacher, I hope to use this same strategy with my students in order for them to become …show more content…

My first semester in fieldwork, I observed a fifth-grade class, I am not sure if the teacher implemented different valuables in her lesson for the newly ELL students. However, she did assign peer group while associating that child with learning English word of the body parts, clothing, etc. One of my concerns I have is trying to understand how applying these mini lessons and lesson plan apply to other learners with other special needs and how is that going to

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