Midlife Crisis in the Article, Middle Adulthood Developmental Psychology

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Middle-aged adults experience change in many different areas of their life at this time, they will find that not only their health is changing, but their appearance, their family, their thinking, and their emotions are changes as well. When discussing people that fall into the middle adulthood age of life, the term “midlife crisis” is often used, but according to an article titled Middle Adulthood Developmental Psychology, “most people during middle adulthood are satisfied and pleased with their lives”, ("Physical Changes," 2008-2013, expression 1). This article also states that the age range for middle adulthood is approximately age thirty-five to sixty-four. Midlife crisis is a when an individual views themselves and are unhappy with what they see. If one experiences a midlife crisis they will have the desire to better themselves in certain areas such as: dressing differently, buying new cars, change in musical taste, starting an exercise regimen, reassessing current relationships, and interests in furthering education or desire to change jobs. Also, during middle adulthood it is normal at this time that a person will undergo changes in three physical ways: visible signs of aging, declining organs, and changes in hormones / emotions. Could also be faced with psychosocial changes according to Eriksonian ways. Stage seven, Generativity versus Stagnation. An individual has the ability to intervene with the physical aging process in order to slow down the progression. Physical activity plays a major role in overall well being and it is important for an individual that is seeking to improve their quality of life by finding an activity they enjoy. Of course nature will take it course and aging will take in effect, the middle aged adu... ... middle of paper ... ... was discharged to home on his third day of hospitalization. He was sent home with new prescriptions, new diagnoses, an aftercare plan, and all of the information needed in order for him to manage as an outpatient. As he entered the hospital in crisis, he left with a sense of self-actualization; it is now up to him to choose to follow the interventions needed to improve his overall well being and health. By adding physical activity, improving his nutrition, attending group therapy, and continuing with follow up appointments/medication management he will see great changes for the better. I have optimism for this patient to be able to increase his self-esteem and self-worth in order for him to successfully complete Erikson’s seventh stage of psychosocial development and be able to embrace all of the wonderful changed that mid life transformation brings to one’s life.

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