Media and Violence

775 Words2 Pages

In the globalization era, the first power among in this world is media. It is very important to recognize that media violence has been caused several problems in everyday life, especially, television, because we cannot only hear the sound but we can see the visual as well. If we think carefully about media violence, it has roots in the unease that has historically been expressed whenever a new entertainment or communications medium appears on the scene that appeals to the masses. We can seen, as John Fiske writes on his book, Understanding Popular Cultural in 1989:

“Represented violence is popular (in a way that social violence is not) because

it offers points of relevance to people living in societies where the power and

resources are inequitably distributed and structured around lines of conflicting

interests. Violence on television is a concrete representation of class (or other)

conflict in society”.

Furthermore, according to McLuhan demonstrates that “the medium is the message. In other words, in terms of the transformation of media (message) our experience of ourselves and also our society, and its influence is ultimately much more important than the other content that is transmitted in its specific messages”. The determination of media structure in the topics of human mind, and emphases secretly in a wider sense popular culture as well. According to Hornby (1983) argues that the aim of media is not to inform us as well as possible, but in order to attract audience as much as possible. As a result of that, it is the reason why shock effects, or conscious and unconscious abstractions of the kind emerge. Therefore, people seem to have been complaining increasingly about violence in the media ever since ...

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...-violence of good-will, and that violence is therefore intrinsically

evil and non-violence intrinsically good. While such a proposition has a certain

measure of validity, or at least of plausibility, it is certainly not universally valid”.

The question of media and violence has been discovered from a normatively biased position that limits attention to the violence by the semantic shield of legitimacy. However, the perception in public is an important consideration when communicating about risks. It could be argued that the decision of viewer to choose what they happy to watch is very important. Therefore, the media usually play an important role in the risk of communication and also the formation of public views on an issue, not only by providing information but also by bringing issues to public attention, even creating a sense of urgency around them.

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