The Meaning of The Divine Command Theory

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In this paper I am going to put forth the theory of Divine Command explaining its meaning and argument behind it. This Theory will be explained and expanded with my understanding to support the on going argument. It gives my thoughts on the Objection being made for the Divine Command Theory and I will show the objection made to my knowing to the Criticism/Objection. The Criticism is providing a view on the Theory that is very strong and hard to object to but I will be arguing how it will be invalid. By the end of the paper it will be clear what Divine Command Theory is describing. My point of view will be shown.
Divine Command Theory is exactly what God permits or forbids from happening before any moral action can be determined. The theory says that whatever God says is right and wrong is in fact right and wrong. This means that God defines morality and he decides what is right and wrong. Moral actions are determined after and only after God has decided if it is something permitted and only so. The moral is given from God. If specifically God says a certain action is incorrect then it would be set to be morally incorrect overall. Having a wrong action take place only equals to a wrong consequence no matter what the situation is. Only if actual proof of God permitting it would the outcome of whether if is morally good. It would only be morally correct if the action were right giving a good consequence in result. God telling us to do such things is obviously for a perfectly good reason for our own good; he would not want to grant bad for us since he does love us.
The Objection being made for the Divine Command Theory is saying that if God would have permitted the torture of innocent children in the world, it would be making it mor...

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... me have not gone over there to help them. We are to busy reading and writing this paper. Alistar Begg once said, “The heart of the human problem is the human heart.” This is saying that only we are truly the problem. You see there only are two options, one that God forces us to love Him and do good. Which would make Him not good at all; He would be pretty much a cosmic rapist. Or option two; He gives us free choice to choose to love Him and do what we think is right. We make the choice.
In conclusion this argument on the objection is something that isn’t going to be solved in any way, it deeply continues but an actual conclusion and specific ending argument is not possible. It did show exactly how I explained my position. Divine Theory was explained to full extent. An Argument was given and explained about the Criticism given for the Divine Command Theory.

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