Marketing Plan

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In today's very competitive marketplace a strategy that insures a consistent approach to offering a product or service in a way that will outsell the competition is critical. However, in concert with defining the marketing strategy it must also has a well defined methodology for the day to day process of implementing it. It is of little value to have a strategy if you lack either the resources or the expertise to implement it.

In the process of creating a marketing strategy it must consider many factors. Of those many factors, some are more important than others. Because each strategy must address some unique considerations, it is not reasonable to identify 'every' important factor at a generic level.

The following plan is intended to provide a basic marketing plan for a fictitious company. The company in question wil operate in any of the E.U countries and provide internet cafe services,. The information in the plan has been sourced from various textbooks and online research It has been found that the company should target the market aged 16 to 40, both single and married, and purchasing for personal use.

The main point of this study is the explanation of an idea for an advertising campaign of the family enterprise. This enterprise will offer computer equipment and Internet services. The services will include selling computers equipment, Internet café and an amusement arcade.

Students can use computers and the Internet for learning and personal reasons. The owner has planed to open separated part with amusement arcade (room) where soft drinks and sweet snacks will be available.

Owner did survey of using computers and Internet. This survey was completed at the beg...

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... computer for 120 min.– 0,80 euro.

After one month of activity the owner will make financial analysis and will make a decision about prices in the future.

Owner and workers will put up the posters in all city, in all means of public transport, at schools. Owner is going to print a free news-sheet.

After two years of activity will plan open new branches at the city. It is very important to expand the activity. Every three years the owner will plan to put new range of services such as renting and selling books. There will be a little coffee and snacks shop to enjoy while reading or browsing the net.

Works Cited
Fifield P.: Marketing strategy. 2nd ed. Oxford 1998.

Hooley G. J., Saunders J. A., Nigel F.: Marketing strategy and competitive positioning. 2nd ed. Harlow 1998.

Ranchhod A.: Marketing strategies. A twenty-first century approach. Harlow 2004.

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