Many Causes of Eating Disorder

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There are many causes for eating disorders such as Bulimia nervosa and Anorexia Nervosa. People who may have an eating disorder will try to stay quiet about their problem with many people around them not realizing the issue until it becomes serious. Eating disorders usually tend to have a big impact on teenage girls and women, but it does not necessarily mean they do not affect men at all. Having an eating disorder for a short period of time can make us feel good about ourselves by taking away overwhelming misconceptions, but a continuous eating disorder can lead to some major complications and much stress from starving. The problem of eating disorders in America is directly related to causes of media images, ones environment, psychological factors and plenty more. With the use of the media located everywhere we go, we cannot help but think about ourselves looking like a size zero. Media images and advertisement show us a quick weight loss tip with a celebrity in a bikini on with a before and after picture. We watch the Oscars and the MTV Music Awards and see Kim Kardashian with an hourglass figure and want to look like her. Trying to avoid all these images and advertisements on television is impossible with magazines being at the checkout lines or television shows and movie promoting sexy slim women as the main actress. The media focuses on being thin directly to how successful we are in life, how healthy we are, and our happiness. Honestly, we can look normal and have each one of these components without losing thirty pounds. The media sends out message indirectly by telling people that they should be eating “healthier” and making them feel guilty about that dense calorie dessert they had for lunch the other day. When they s... ... middle of paper ... ...her extreme measures to get the result they need. Eating disorders will increase more and more over time with a higher number of people in the hospital due to this serious condition. There is a difference between losing weight to be healthy in addition to looking good and losing weight in an unhealthy manner by starving yourself. There are many ways people can lose weight if they really are devoted to exercising right and eating the proper food and meals. Starving yourself is never the answer to anything. Regardless of what the media says or what people say, it is always important to be comfortable in your own shoes at the end of the day. Regardless of how you look, it is no one’s business to tell you how fat you are. Living a healthy lifestyle and to be free of any health related problems like diabetes and high blood pressure is the reason to lose weight.

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