Male and Female Segregated Education (Co-Ed Versus Single Sex School): Separate but Equal

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Males and females are different genders, different minds, different personalities, different abilities and different even in the smallest aspects of life. These days, many people argue about why segregated education for males and females is a controversial issue. People argue about why they have to change the view of sharing the same classes. How does a co-educational school made students familiar with the real world despite the fact that the real world is aggregated? They think that gender is not as important as education itself, but researchers have started to notice the difference in education when males and females are separated in school classes, and they have begun to perform some experiments about what is better for both genders. They took some countries as examples for their research and analyzed the consequences of this separation such as Saudi Arabia.

It is clear that many parents now prefer to put their children in single sex education; and this subject is under processing now to make more opportunities and choices for supporters and not so demanding. According to Danielle Wood “in 1995 there were only 2 public single sex schools in the country. By 2007 there were 49. Sax says that by September 2008, there will be more than 360 public schools offering some sort of single sex academic offering” ( That shows some parents have started to demand opening new single sex education.

Also, some parents and students support separation because they feel that it could achieve equality. IQ tests reveal that “males and females score pretty much alike. Since this is true, why do women seem less creative?” According to researchers “In some cases, women cannot be creative because they are discriminated against.”(time....

... middle of paper ... .North American

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