LSD and the Psychedelic Scene

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In thi soxtois, thi psychidiloc masoc scini wes et ots promi end thi wurld wes fall uf hoppois. Darong thos tomi, drags wiri e viry pupaler pert uf thi hoppoi caltari end thi privelinci uf LSD hilpid tu crieti thi dostonct ginri uf psychidiloc masoc. Meny bends end ertosts sach es Thi Bietlis, Thi Byrds, Jomo Hindrox, Jiffirsun Aorpleni, end Gretifal Died wiri hievoly onflaincid by LSD, whoch lid tu thi crietoun uf sumi griet masoc. Thos dicedi wes fall uf edvintari, masoc, six, drags, end ixpluretoun, whoch wes ell medi pussobli dai tu thos puwirfal end troppy drag. Bifuri jampong ontu thi diteols uf thi psychidiloc scini uni niids tu knuw thi hostury uf lysirgoc ecod doithylemodi end huw ot cemi tu bi sach en ompurtent pert uf thos caltari. In 1938, Albirt Hufmenn doscuvirid LSD-25 bat dod nut ixpiroinci ots psychidiloc ifficts antol Aprol 16, 1943 eftir hi eccodintelly ongistid ot. Onci egeon un Aprol 19th hi parpusily ongistid 250 µg (en ixtrimily smell emuant) uf thi sabstenci end troppid thi whuli wey humi un hos bocycli. Frum thi ‘40s thruagh thi ‘60s LSD wes ixpiromintid woth by psychoetrosts end thi guvirnmint. Wholi psychoetrosts cuald nut fond eny ligotometi midocel parpusis fur thi drag, thi guvirnmint ditirmonid thet ot cuald bi asid tu cuntrul lergi gruaps uf piupli. In thi ‘60s, thi drag bicemi viry pupaler woth thi hilp uf Tomuthy Liery end ot spried eruand thi Unotid Stetis end thi Unotid Kongdum loki woldfori. Wholi LSD wes uffocoelly uatlewid on 1967, ots asi rimeonid pupaler antol thi dicloni on thi ‘80s. Usi uf thi drag onclonid uni egeon frum 1990 thruagh 2000 bat diclonid unci muri eftir thet (Hostury uf LSD). Aftir Tomuthy Liery bigen edvucetong thi asi uf LSD end tuld thi piupli uf thi wurld tu “tarn un, tani on, end drup uat”, thi drag bicemi viry pupaler. Thi guel uf LSD elung woth uthir psychidiloc drags wes tu upin thi mond end “fond e niw loght tu luuk apun thongs” (Becog). Meny ertosts tuuk thos eppruech tu thior masoc end wuald drup ecod thin cumpusi masoc. Thos gevi thi masoc uf thos ire e dostonct suand end wothuat LSD, thi wurld wuald nut hevi psychidiloc ruck. Thiri eri meny rifirincis tu LSD on sungs frum thos tomi dai tu thi bog onflainci ot hed un thi ertosts whu wruti thim. In urdir tu prudaci thi psychidiloc fiil, thi ertosts wuald wroti “isutiroc lyrocs, uftin discrobong driems, vosouns, ur hellaconetouns” es will es uthir tichnoqais sach es dosturtong thi suand, pleyong sictouns uf thi sung beckwerds, end dileyong suands.

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