Love in The Story Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë

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In life we all come across moments where we have to make a choice with our between following our own will and following what the society thinks that we should be doing. Throughout the story Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë, the main character is an orphan who is cared for by her wicked aunt who sends her off to school. After graduating as a pupil and teaching at that school, she becomes a governess at Thornfield. There, she falls in love with her boss, Mr. Rochester. She runs away after finding out some dreadful secrets and meets St. John and his two sisters, who she later finds out are her cousins. St. John begins watching Jane and her habits and sees that she would be a compatible missionary’s wife for him. Jane had a turning moment in the book when she rejects St. John’s offer of marriage. During that moment she learns that being free does not make her as happy as being with someone she loves. Jane also learns that doing what society thinks is right is not always the best option, but that following your heart is more important.
The largest lesson that has been taught to everyone i...

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