The Long-Term Effects of Bullying

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There are several ongoing of issues that are effecting adolescents in today’s society ranging from low self-esteem, teen pregnancy, and obesity. Also, amongst these issues are the growing concerns and effects of bullying. Its epidemic is also starting to become closely related to the growing numbers of suicide rates amongst adolescents within the United States and across the globe. However, there are several adults that may take bullying lightly thinking that it is just a part of kids being kids. Whereas to an adolescent, bullying can cause long-term effects as they transition into adulthood. However, in order for one to examine the long-term effects of bullying one must be able to define what bullying is and determine the cause and effect.
When defining what bullying is one must take into consideration the thoughts and feelings of a child; this is because a child’s perception of bullying may be completely different from that of an adult’s perception. Therefore, it is imperative that initiatives are taken to grasp an adolescent’s view about the mechanisms involved in bullying in order to provide and/or create better prevention and intervening plans as well as programs (Frisén, Jonsson, & Persson, 2007). In conjunction in defining what bullying is, one must also determine who are the victims of bullying as well as who are more likely to become and/or are bullies. Once these factors are determined, an evaluation of the long-term effects of bullying can be established and a prevention plan can also be created and implemented.
With the growing issues and concerns of bullying it is surprising that there are no federal laws set in place to help end this epic issue. Contrary to the federal government’s lacking, state legisla...

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