Let's Keep the Planet Clean

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If you could change one thing to make the world a better place, what would it be? Would you trade in your SUV for a hybrid? Or something simpler, like changing all of the lights in your house to energy efficient ones? Or would you start to recycle everything you possibly could? Well, all of these things are great ways to become an eco-friendly person. In my opinion, it is most important to stop damaging the ozone layer. Right now there are still hundreds of thousands of cars on the road that don’t exactly help the earth’s condition, many other things that emit toxins into the air, and that needs to change. We can do this if we lessen the amount of harmful gases we let off when we use everyday appliances.

If we all changed every incandescent in our houses to energy saving ones, we would be helping ourselves out a lot. If we all used hybrid cars or cars that ran on recycled things or ethanol we would be helping ourselves out a lot too. Basically, we need to stop emitting so many harmful gases into the air. I’m not saying you have to try to fix the world, but I am saying that it would help. By changing something in your life to make it a bit more green, you are adding one more person to the amount of people that care, as well as putting us one step closer to a healthy planet. Also, it isn’t that hard to buy better lights and get rid of old ones, or to do something else in a green way.

You know how all anyone seems to be concerned about anymore is keeping the planet “healthy” and clean. Well, there is a very good reason for that. More and more people are realizing the danger we are putting ourselves and our planet in every time we use our SUV’s or leave lights on in rooms that aren’t being used. Every time you use something or do something that emits greenhouse gas, in the long run, you are probably damaging our ozone layer, further exposing us to the harmful rays of the sun and other alien things that exist in outer space. This is just one of many reasons why we as the human race and the only species that has ever really done anything to harm the earth need to start being eco-friendly and energy smart.

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