Legal Does Not Mean Ethical

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Ethics is a very interesting aspect of life which some people confuse it with legality. What is legal does not in any way translate to be ethical. Every profession is held together by a code of ethics that defines its workouts. This includes engineering profession. For engineers, ethics are not negotiable and they should be followed to the latter. This is primarily because engineers hold a social responsibility that calls for professionalism on anything they do irrespective they are on study or on actual practice. For this reason, Robert’s case is not immune from the ethics that bind every engineer and engineering students. In fact, an engineer and an engineering student are just one thing differentiated by time factor.
Cheating is a grave crime for any engineering student and no matter how pressing the situation maybe compromising this code is not admissible at all. Robert’s desperate need of passing the exam so that he can maneuver through the probation will not in any way validate cheating. Firstly, this is because competence is very crucial for any engineering student. ...

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