Learning to Cope with ADHD as an Adult Learner

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Learning to Cope with ADHD as an Adult Learner Typically when one hears the term “ADHD” and the potential negative effects that it could have on someone striving towards academic success, they immediately think school age children. Though it is more common for children to be diagnosed and treated, 5% of U.S. adults are living with this condition (American Psychiatric Association, 2012). First ADHD must be defined before coping methods can be explained. ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder is a diagnosis applied to children and adults who consistently display certain characteristic behaviors such as distractibility (poor sustained attention to tasks), impulsivity (impaired impulse control and delayed gratification), and hyperactivity (excessive activity and physical restlessness) (Jaksa, 1998). These are signs that will normally be identified by the child’s educator. Signs and/or symptoms could present themselves differently in adults and affect different aspects of their daily lives. According to the American Psychiatric Association (2012), it was not until the 1980s when mental health professionals started to recognize that ADHD could persist in adults, and even now, getting an accurate diagnosis could be tricky. Adult ADHD could be comorbid with anxiety, depression, or bipolar disorder. Each of these conditions are have their own negative effects, adding the effects of ADHD with either one will create severe chaos. Achieving academic success can be a very challenging and arduous task for any adult learner, but dealing with the effects of ADHD while trying to achieve success could potentially create unwanted barriers if not treated properly. The most common treatments include stimulant medications and behavioral interv... ... middle of paper ... ...entify real life problems that could arise based off the assumptions that he made. Coping skills for these problems while working towards academic success is one of the main teaching points. In no way is this paper intended to replace the care given by a licensed psychiatrist or diagnose any other condition. Works Cited American Psychiatric Association. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.psychiatry.org/adhd Daley, D., & Birchwood, J. (2009). Adhd and academic performance. Child: care, health, and development, 36(4), 455-464. doi: 10.1111/j.1368-2214.2009.01046.x Jaksa, P. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.add.org/?page=ADHD_Fact_Sheet Knowles, M. (2011). The Adult Learner. (7th Ed.). Elsevier Inc. Mayo Clinic Staff. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (adhd) in children. Retrieved from http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/adhd/DS00275

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