Learning Styles and Multiple Intelligences

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Different learning styles are used by different people, with different levels of intelligence and ability. The different learning styles are visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. There are many others depending on who you ask, but those are the basic ones. Depending on how a person is raised, how they individually prefer to learn, and their learning ability. However, if a teacher uses the wrong learning style with a student, it may make the student feel like they cannot learn or that they are inferior to the others in the classroom (Overview of Learning Styles, 2014).
Visual learners learn by observing. These people like to read, and they can recall what they read easily. This learning style can use flashcards for reinforcing lessons, and computer assisted learning is beneficial. This can include videos and graphics used for learning. Visual learners are able to follow written instructions with little to no explanation. Visual learners have a hard time with listening, and oral instructions are not useful for them (Baltimore County Public Schools, n.d.).
Aural learners prefer listening to instruction and do well with recalling what they have heard. Phonics is useful to this learning style, as well as reading out loud and listening to books on tape or CD. Aural learners do well with musical ways to memorize what they have learned. For example, they can put words to music to help remember facts. Aural learners may feel that they have failed if they are being taught with written instruction or by reading silently. Aural learners also have a greater understanding of the English language and how to speak well (Baltimore County Public Schools, n.d.).
Kinesthetic learners are usually physical; they learn from teaching others and physical...

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...d taught in a way that works for them. “Well, we still have people who are convinced that IQ tests are nothing more than vocabulary tests. This should not be a debate over whether learning styles exist, but how we measure them.” (Witte, 2006)

Works Cited

Learning Styles. (n.d.). Baltimore County Schools, Retrieved January 21, 2014, from http://www.bcps.org/offices/lis/models/tips/styles.html
Learning Styles. (n.d.). NDT Resource Center, Retrieved from http://www.ndt- ed.org/TeachingResources/ClassroomTips/Learning_Styles.htm
Overview of learning styles. (2014). Retrieved January 21, 2014, from http://www.learning- styles-online.com/overview/
Weinstein, A., Witte, J., & Willingham, D. (2013, November 1). Are Learning Styles a Myth? Page 2 | Education.com. Retrieved January 21, 2014, from http://www.education.com/magazine/article/Are_Learning_Styles_Myth/?page=2

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