Kent State Riots

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As May 4th comes around every year, some recall the horrifying events that happened at Kent State University years ago. They recall the tragic deaths that occurred on that day. The events that took place in the Kent State University riots may have produced a different ending had the events that led to it been different. The first of the events being, what led to the riots, the second, how violent the riots had erupted into, and one of the biggest thing that could have created a different outcome, the military action that led to the disputed ending.

As President Richard Nixon came to office with the promise to end the Vietnam War, many protests were already aroused around the United States as those who opposed it voiced their opposition to the effort. College students everywhere became a main benefactor in the protests around the nation. On April 30, 1970, President Nixon announced that America was expanding the war into Cambodia. Upon hearing this, further aggression was produced from protestors against the Vietnam War.

Angered students of Kent State University, one of the many schools who began to protest the war efforts, believed the expansion of the war to be immoral. On May 1st a demonstration was held on the school grounds to show the opposition towards the war as a student burned the Constitution and another burned his draft card. Protests ran throughout the night, as violence poured out of bars. Shops were broken into and bottles thrown at the authorities trying to gain control of the situation. On May 2nd people stood and watched as the students burned the ROTC building, a surefire exposition against the military, slashing the hose to prevent anyone from interrupting the fire, as the building burned down to wispy ashe...

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...e whole riot started on impulse or was planned from the beginning. A newfound statement has been found in the records, quoting a woman overhearing the planning of the riot from the beginning, but not much was told for she stated that the two men found out she was eavesdropping and in haste became quiet and waited for her to leave.

Debate on the details on the event will forever be asked for the truth remains concealed. The events that created this momentous portion in history began with the protests to the war, leading to the severe riots and protests within the town, and the final mishap, the military action that led to the final ending. The every lying impression embedded in the minds of those that were there that day, and even to those that simply hear of the events of the Kent State Riots, they will forever remember the four caskets that now lay in the ground.

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