Inequality In Patriarchal Society

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Women are not the “subordinate” in recent patriarchal society. Women’s inequality and oppression is always a really important issue in latest decades while women are gaining more power in the society. However, women’s inequality and oppression, both physically and economically is still not be solved. The violent forms of oppression which women suffered should be controlled throughout the society, for people find domestic violence and violence against women to an unjustifiable form of oppression. From 1900s, women were facing many inequalities and they tried to solve the issues but it still existed. To help to solve the problem, it is necessary to understand why the inequalities exist. According to some sociologists’ point of view, women’s inequalities …show more content…

Marx displays the capitalism function in his work “Capital”that “the circulation of money as capital is an end in itself, for the valorization of value takes place only within this constantly renewed movement. The movement of capital is therefore limitless” (1967, p.253). Therefore, the capitalist is “the unceasing movement of profit-making” (1967, p.253), which means that capitalist will take every actions they can take to gain the highest profit they can gain, such as lower the labours’ wages and income. Marx uses the terms aristocrats, bureaucracy and proletarians to describe the status of people. The first class (aristocrats) is land owner which rent the land to other people. Those people do not need to work. The second class (bureaucracy) is capitalist, which try to maximize their profit. The third class (proletarians) is wage labour. People in this class is to get wages from capitalist and they work for those capitalist. At the beginning of 1900s, the whole western society had become the capitalist society. The society is generally divided into two classes: proletarians (people who work but do not own the production) and bourgeoisie (people who earn the profit and do the investment). Thus, the private properties exist. The private property emerges economic inequality, dependence, political mess, and an …show more content…

The book begins with the discussion of Ancient Society which describes the major stages of human development as commonly understood in Engels ' time. There are three marriage forms appear in human’s history: savage(group marriage), barbarian(pair marriage) and civilization(monogamous with prostitution and adulteries). Engels claims that in the agricultural societies, a sexual division of labor existed--with women usually in charge of the gathering and growing of crops. At that time women had high status in the society because the work they did related to human’s survival. There was no systematic inequality between men and women. Nowadays, the society is transit from savage and barbarian to civilization. The only legal family form in most of the country is civilization. Males begins to control the sphere of production and private properties. Thus, inequalities occurred in the society. As the demand of surplus increased, the demand of labour also increased. However, while women’s duty was seen as housekeeper and taking care of children, the division of labour did not change between women and men. Engels mentions in his book that “The position is no better with regard to the juridical equality of man and woman in

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