Is Technology Dangerous for Society?

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Is technology dangerous for society? Do you believe long term technological advances will ultimately ruin us? Technology has been evolving at a rapid pace through the twenty first century. Growing up in the nineties, I single handily witnessed how the tech world made leaps and advances in a matter of years. Many technological innovations have helped the world make a better place, but would too much of a good thing bad for us? Will technology be the downfall of society and our planet in the near future? Many people believe technology is harmful for our planet and our future for various reasons and there are others that have become so distracted by it that they don’t believe that it could ever cause any harm until it’s too late. When the world was created, there was no technology but yet man survived (Opara). As time moved on technology began to revolutionize the world. Man kept creating ways to make every life easier for themselves. I don’t see a problem with what man has created but what a man has become of it. I agree with Peace Chinwe Opara when he states in his article, “Technology has been implanted into people's blood. Man cannot do without technology. If technology is taken away, man will die. Imagine this world now without electricity. Do you think man will survive it?” People without technology will go crazy just like a chicken with its head cut off. Once upon a time man relied on their own strength, hard work and ideas to carry on business and complete everyday tasks. I’m not against technology but I can assure you that the direction of modern technology will only bring negative effects to society and the world. Technology is good. It helps man to achieve certain heights but one way or the other technology is destroyin... ... middle of paper ... ... be tainted by this tech craze? I feel like people in the future will only get lazier and weaker because they will be more focused on video games, television and online social media. I believe we should stop at a certain point because it could have bad consequences for the future of society and the planet. Works Cited Boyle, Rebecca. “Robots Are Stealing American Jobs, According to MIT Economist” Popular Science. 15 October 2010. Web. 14 December 2013. Grohol, John M. “Why reliance on Technology Is a Bad Thing” Phsychcentral. 30 November 2013. Web. 2 December 2013. Nissal, Eric J. “Is Technology Ruining Society?” DollarVeristy. Web. 1 December 2013. Haytham. “The influence of modern technology on society: Good or Bad?” LexioPhiles. Web.Feb. 26th 2013. Opara, Chinwe Peace. “Will Technology Destroy Mankind?” Articlesbase. 22 July 2007. Web. 15 December 2013.

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