The Invention of the Pacemaker in Sweden

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The heart is the most important organ in the human body. The purpose of it is to pump oxygen and nutrient-rich blood to all parts of the body. It rarely occurs that the heart muscle become worn-out.. The threat to the heart’s normal function is in the diseases. (Landstinget i Värmland, 2008) In Sweden cardiovascular diseases are type of diseases which causes most deaths. 4 out of 10 people die in cardiovascular diseases and thousands die prematurely because of it. Today 12 percent of the Swedish population is suffering from cardiovascular diseases (Hjärt-Lungfonden, 2008) and today 40 000 of the Swedish population have a pacemaker. (CISIONWIRE, 2008) A treatment for a heart that is beating too slowly is receiving a pacemaker which keeps the heartbeat regular. (Hjärt-Lungfonden, 2008(2) The pacemaker system is divided into 2 parts and it is placed underneath the skin below the clavicle. The first part is the pacemaker itself, which is like a computer with batteries. Second part is the electrodes that with the help of the mobile x-ray pictures will be placed correctly. The procedure only takes a little less than a hour. There are different sorts of pacemakers and to make sure it is used most effective there are pacemakers which is helping only where it is needed. The reason for that is so that the heart’s natural way of working is disturbed as little as possible. (Hjärt-Lungfonden, 2008(3) The picture below show the stimulation of the a heart muscle from an electrode that is attached to the part of the pacemaker which contain the batteries. Dr. Zoll was a Harvard cardiologist and pioneer developed the first external pacemaker to restore normal rhythms in patients whose heart wasn’t beating as they should. The opposition ... ... middle of paper ... saves thousands of life from premature death or unnecessary inconvenience and pain. The development of of the pacemaker have come far since the first external pacemaker made by Paul Zoll, to the small 5 cm in diameter internal pacemaker. The limitations are few when the pacemaker works as it should. The benefits are the active life a normal person would have. The social issues that come with having a pacemaker are not an issue you can’t overcome, if you are able to have an active life. Ethical or not it is legal to remove a pacemaker on a dying patient if it is requested by the patient or the patient’s family. Every year about 5000 people in Sweden receive a pacemaker which hopefully extends their life length, and increase their ability to have an active life. This mechanical application of science has reduced the number of people affected by heart diseases.

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